
The Reader Organisation – Development Manager

Term: Permanent
Hours: 21 hours per week
Salary: £22,000-£27,000
Location: The Mansion House, Calderstones Park, L18 3JB

The Development Manager will work to generate funds across all income streams, working to secure grants from Trusts and Foundations, seek commissioned income from NHS bodies, the criminal justice sector and local authorities, and secure support from corporate organisations.

The post holder will input into the strategic overview of the department and the development of the annual fundraising strategy. The role will work collaboratively across the organisation to identify and develop funding opportunities and will build relationships externally with existing and prospective funders. Partnership working will
be instrumental in the role.

To view the full job description, recruitment pack and application form, visit The Reader website and head to the ‘Get Involved’ section.

Closing date: 9am, 30 March 2021

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