Counter Narratives for Communities

Training Date: 28 June 2017

Wednesday 28 June 2017, 10am-3pm – John Archer Hall, Liverpool, L8 1YR

If you deliver diversity and awareness training and would you like to develop skills for facilitating dialogue around negative stereotypes, extreme views and community resilience, this free participatory training event is for you.

This workshop will support participants to:

  • Facilitate conversations about extreme views
  • Counter negative stereotyping of particular communities
  • Present positive narratives relating to diversity

Workshop attendees will benefit from continued mentoring from experienced community facilitators, and will be asked to deliver a session that uses what they have learnt.

This workshop is suitable for community leaders, workers and volunteers, individuals involved in delivering diversity or refugee awareness training.

The course is run by Liverpool World Centre. Read more here.

Book your place online.

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