Wednesday 19 July 2017, 10am-2.30pm – Sing Plus, Cambridge Road, Waterloo, L21 1EZ.
This training will look at what is required to meet the general duties of the Equality Act 2010.
Why impact assess?
- We need to, if we are to offer equitable services to all groups of people
- We have to, we need to evidence due regard
- Inspection Bodies like the CQC inspect on the quality and quantity of the EIAs completed and published
- Staff, service users and the organisation will benefit
- Equality Analysis (EIA) support good practice and good community relations
- Help improve the health and wellbeing of people using and working in public sector services
Course learning outcomes:
- What should be assessed
- When should we undertake an EIA
- Equal Benefit
- Understanding due regard
- Evidence and engagement
- Making your decision
- Measuring impact
This course is aimed at all staff required to conduct equality analysis. The session allows for practical assessment of policy’s and staff are encouraged to bring documentation along.
Cost per person: £80, including lunch and refreshments
To book your place or for further information, contact Anthony Griffin on 0787 547 0869 or email anthony@merseysideintrust.org.
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