Three-day training programme for Frontline Workers | Multiple Dates
An exciting opportunity is now available for participants to attend the innovative multiagency workforce development programme known as Good Help. It is designed to equip frontline workers with the skills and knowledge to build better relationships with their customers, clients or communities. This programme is offered free of charge to staff who are working directly with children, families and adults.
You will be asked to identify if you work predominantly in a child ready (0-5 years), school ready (5-18 years) or life ready (18 years plus) arena, as this will guide the group you will work with, and the projects you will develop, throughout the 3-day programme.
Designed to complement your existing skills, Good Help builds on the principles of early intervention, recognising that wherever you work and whoever your clients are, everyone deserves good help and that this is rooted in three things: YOU (having a better understanding of who you are, focusing on areas such as emotional intelligence; OTHERS (having a better understanding of the life course and focusing on the three stages of child, school and life ready); and US (looking at what a new relationship between agencies and their clients could look like, focusing on areas such as strength-based working and motivational interviewing).
Here are some things to consider before signing up:
- Each session will be delivered on a locality basis, bringing frontline workers from a number of agencies together, in order to build their networks. Staff are asked to join the session for the geography that most closely reflects their patch. For staff who work across the city and/or those who wish to attend a session that is not specific to a certain geography, there is a city centre session they can sign up for
- The three-day programme has been designed for Frontline Workers who are working primarily with children, young people, families and adults. There are plans to roll a series of one-day Manager’s Session out in the New Year
- Participants will be split into one of three life-stage groups, according to their main job role. The groups are as follows: Child ready (0-5 years), School ready (5–18-year-olds) and Life ready (18 plus). There will be a maximum of 10 places per group. Staff are asked to indicate when booking their place, what their job role is and who they primarily work with i.e., pre-school, school-age children, or adults and will then be assigned to one of these three groups
- Each organisation can book a maximum of three people per life stage group i.e. a total maximum of 9. This is to ensure the aim of the session, in supporting staff to build up their professional networks, is achieved. They appreciate this may leave some staff unable to attend their chosen session, but they can confirm a further 10 groups will be arranged ASAP so there will be plenty of opportunities for staff to attend the programme
- Any frontline worker signing up for the session must commit to attending the full three days
- Interactive workbooks for each of the three days will be given to all participants, which includes information on subjects covered and exercises undertaken throughout the sessions
- Sessions are interactive, and each life-stage group will be asked to lead discussions on the main issues, challenges, and opportunities they face in their work currently and how, by working better together, they could improve service delivery and outcomes for those they are supporting.
They are really excited that they are finally able to share this programme with staff, and look forward to working with you all in the coming weeks and months.
If you would like to book a place, please provide the following information for the session to Wendy Moss at
- Name
- Job role
- Name of organisation
- Contact number
- The locality of session you wish to attend i.e.:
- Croxteth: Cobalt Housing, Lower House Lane L11 2SF
18 November, 2 December 2021 and 13 January 2022 - Picton/Kensington: Picton Medical Centre, Earle Rd, L7 6HD
26 November, 10 December 2021 and 20 January 2022 - Speke/Garston: Speke Training & Education Centre, Speke Boulevard, L24 9HZ
29 November, 16 December 2021 and 27 January 2022 - Anfield/Everton: Anfield Sport & Community Centre, Lower Breck Rd, L6 0AG
30 November, 17 December 2021 and 28 January 2022 - All (City Centre): Brain Charity, Norton St, L3 8LR
11 January, 25 January and 8 March 2022
- Indicate which group your work best aligns to:
- Child Ready (0-5)
- School Ready (5-18)
- Life Ready (18 plus)
If you have any queries or require further information please contact Wendy Moss via email or call her at 0151 233 0399.
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