HMRC Gift Aid – free advice presentation – Postponed

Training Date: 09 April 2020

LCVS, 151 Dale Street, Liverpool L2 2AH Thursday 9 April 2020, 10am-1pm

HMRC's Gift Aid, Free Advice Presentation - Postponed

HMRCs Charities Outreach team was set up in 2014. It is a team of experienced Staff helping to educate and advise charities on submitting Gift Aid and GASDS claims. Giving advice over the phone, via email, by post and at charity presentation events, helping Charities get their claims right first time.

Due to the ongoing Covid-19 emergency, all LCVS training and events scheduled to take place before the end of April have now been postponed. We are currently exploring alternative training delivery methods. We will continue to monitor the situation and issue regular updates.

Gift Aid
Gift Aid can be claimed on donations of money made by an individual UK income taxpayer. It’s an easy way to help your charity or community amateur sports club (CASC) maximise the value of donations.
You can claim back 25p every time an individual donates £1 to your charity or community amateur sports club (CASC). This is called Gift Aid.
You must be recognised as a charity or CASC for tax purposes.
There are rules on which donations you can claim Gift Aid on.
To claim Gift Aid, you must be recognised by HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) as a charity or CASC and you’ll need to ask donors to make a Gift Aid declaration.
In certain circumstances, some payments made to charities which are not strictly gifts, like membership subscription paid to a charity, may be treated as donations for Gift Aid purposes.
If any donor or person connected to the donor benefits significantly from their donation, it doesn’t qualify for Gift Aid.
You can claim Gift Aid online - you should get your payment within 5 weeks

Gift Aid Small Donations Scheme (GASDS)
Charities and Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASCs) receiving small cash or contactless donations can apply for a Gift Aid style repayment without needing to obtain Gift Aid declarations
GASDS is a public spending initiative (and not a repayment of tax) giving Charities and CASCs a top-up payment on donations they receive
The total amount of small donations is currently capped at £8,000 per tax year and the top-up repayment to £2,000
A Charity or CASC must make a claim for top-up payments within two years of the end of the tax year in which the donation is received.


9th April 2020 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
151 Dale Street
L2 2AH
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Phone: 0151 227 5177
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