How to Write Quality Bids – online

Training Date: 19 October 2020

Monday 19 October 2020, 10am – 1pm, online via Zoom

Please ensure that you have familiarised yourself with Zoom prior to the start of the session. Tech support will NOT be available.

How to Write Quality Bids (via Zoom)

 Registration is closed for this event
Applying to charitable grant funders is becoming ever more competitive each year. This session walks you through the process of getting a project proposal to a stage where you can confidently make a high quality application, to maximise your chances of successes.

If you are planning to apply to a charitable grant funder, join our funding advisor to learn how to put your best foot forward.  LCVS has supported many local organisations in bidding to a wide range of charitable and lottery funds, so we are in a great position to share best practice in bid preparation and drafting.
Winning vital funds for your organisation could be dependent on your understanding of what funders are actually looking for. We’ll walk you through what to put on your application in relation to:

  • finding a funder that’s a good fit and matching your charitable objectives with theirs
  • project descriptions and activities
  • project outcomes and outputs
  • budget preparation and scale
  • service user involvement
  • what makes your project the one that they should back
  • consultation with stakeholders of all types
  • your organisational capacity/track record
  • your governance

Feel as confident as possible next time you submit a funding bid.

19th October 2020 from 10:00 AM to  1:00 PM
via Zoom
Training fee
Charity/Voluntary sector £55.00
Public/Private sector £80.00
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