Wednesday 18 October 2017, 1.30-4.30pm – St. Bede’s Centre, Fern Grove, Liverpool, L8 0RZ.
This half-day event will explore how advocacy touches on all of our lives. It will be of interest to anyone that is concerned about equality and building more inclusive communities. Those involved in any role within health, social, community and pastoral work will find this session to be of particular relevance to their work.
The sessions will include:
- Introduction to the concept of advocacy and the various advocacy roles
- How advocacy relates to our daily lives and work
- Understanding when conflicts of interest arise and the importance of independent advocacy in avoiding them
- The history of, and background to, advocacy in Liverpool
- Advocacy Plus – working holistically to promote and protect human rights
The event will be led by Joe Monaghan of the National Coalition of Advocacy Schemes.
Places are free to individuals, but organisations are asked to make a donation of £10 per place to help cover costs.
To book a place, call 0151 734 3047 or email enquiries@citizenadvocacyliverpool.co.uk.
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