LCVS Training: Start Up Workshop

Training Date: 13 December 2023

Hosted by LCVS | 1 pm – 4:30 pm on Wednesday 13 December 2023 | 151 Dale Street, Liverpool L2 2AH

This is for anyone thinking about starting a community project or organisation but has yet to take the leap. If you’re based in Liverpool, it’s free!

Is there a need in your community that nobody is addressing? Could it be time to do it yourself?

We will provide you with huge amounts of need-to-know information, which will support both fundraising and service delivery, should you decide to put your plan into action. We’ll also help you to get really clear about the viability of your idea and the optimal next steps.

The session covers:

  • Proving the need for your organisation – how to research and gather evidence that there actually is an issue that needs to be addressed, so that you can design an effective project that’s attractive to supporters, investors, and funders
  • Drafting a project outline – an important document that can be used as the basis for a proposal, pitching your idea to funders and other supporters
  • Choosing the right legal structure – an area that can be a bit of a minefield without some clear guidance
  • A few sources of start-up funding – we’ll let you know what’s available at the moment, for projects like yours
  • Roles & Responsibilities – We will give you an insight into ways to manage your project, the roles of those involved in its management, and how best to plan your work.

Meet and work with our team right from the start of your journey, to make sure you’re heading in the right direction.


The above prices include refreshments and training materials where applicable.

Event/Ticket Transfer Policy

We offer event/ticket transfer right up until the day of the event. To transfer to another Event or Ticket, please contact LCVS at Please include “EVENTBRITE TRAINING TRANSFER” in the subject line. Please note: We will not be accepting Transfer Requests after the training date.

To book your place, please click here to visit Eventbrite.

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