Working with Clients with Long-Term Health Conditions

Training Date: 10 June 2017

Saturday 10 June 2017, 10am-12pm or 1-3pm – The Brain Charity, Norton Street, Liverpool, L3 8LR.

The Brain Charity is offering a two-hour interactive training workshop for talking therapists and health professionals who wish to enrich their specialist knowledge and improve their professional practice in working with clients with long term health conditions.

The training will count towards a professional’s Continuing Professional Development (CPD) requirements to maintain regulatory registration and a Certificate of Attendance will be provided in the booking name.

Session one, 10am-12pm: for talking therapists

Session two, 1-3pm: for any healthcare professional

Tutor Esther Ingham is a Counselling Psychologist in Doctoral Training at the University of Manchester. She has broad experience of working with individuals and families affected by Cancer as well as various Neurological Conditions, and her doctoral research is specifically involved with individuals who have sustained Spinal Cord Injuries. Esther’s interest in specialising in working with clients with long term health conditions stems from her own experience of a Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury in 2012.

Book your place online. Please choose the relevant session when booking.

Ticket price: £40, or group tickets £35 per person

Student ticket: £35, or student group £30 per person

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