
UKSPF ‘Digital connectivity for local community facilities’ grants programme – Round 1 Now Open

The Liverpool City Region Combined Authority’s (LCR CA’s) local investment plan for the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) programme – the UK’s successor to EU Structural funds – includes a grants programme focused on Digital Connectivity for Local Community Facilities.

The application process for Round 1 of this grants programme is now open!

The grants programme is being managed by VOLA Consortium.

Click here to access the application forms and supporting documents from VOLA’s website.

The application forms and supporting documents can also be requested by emailing ukspfgrants@volamerseyside.org.uk.

Deadline for submission of completed applications and supporting documents is at 5 pm on Monday 13 February 2023. Any applications received after this deadline will not be considered.

In addition to the application form itself, other documents included to support applicants include:

  • Application Guidance
  • FAQs
  • Ward Digital Inclusion Data
  • Link to LCR Digital Connectivity Map
  • Link to Workshop (1) Video
  • ‘Technical Tips’ workshop slides:
    • Note: the ‘process and eligibility’ slide deck from the workshops has been superseded by the FAQs document and Application Guidance Notes

Everything potential applicants need to know should be included in the above documents (which can be accessed on the VOLA website, linked above).

If you have any further questions, including queries about your eligibility to apply, please email ukspfgrants@volamerseyside.org.uk by 5 pm Friday 3 February 2023. VOLA will aim to respond to any questions within 3 working days. Questions received after this date may not be answered.

Background Information

The Digital Connectivity for Local Community Facilities grants programme is open to grass roots, not-for-profit, Voluntary, Community, Faith and Social Enterprise (VCFSE) sector organisations with an operational (public access) base in the Liverpool City Region and with an annual turnover not exceeding £1.5 million. See FAQs for definition of  eligible and ineligible organisations and further guidance regarding the turnover threshold.

The overall purpose of the fund is to support VCFSE sector organisations to:

  • Improve public-facing IT (i.e. computer drop-in) facilities
  • Create new facilities in priority (digitally excluded and deprived) areas where there is currently no, or sparse digital inclusion provision.

The overall aim of the fund is to:

  • Upgrade outdated and/or poor quality digital kit (computer devices) and/or improve broadband connectivity, where current kit and/or connections can be evidenced as being poor.
  • Increase capacity: purchase more digital devices, where current facilities are insufficient to meet evidenced demand.
  • Target neighbourhoods, where there is currently a lack of community-based digital facilities, to help local community-based organisations to set up new drop-in facilities.

It is not about improving organisations’ general IT infrastructure, or providing funding to deliver digital skills training or any other activities.

Grants of between £2,500 and £10,000 will be made to successful applicants.

Awards will be made to organisations based in all six boroughs of the city region – Halton, Knowsley, Liverpool, Sefton, St Helens and Wirral.

This is the first in a series of grant rounds, with further application rounds to take place during 2023 and 2024.

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