
Unitees creative competition for 14-18-year-olds

Unitees is a national schools competition that aims to spread a message of tolerance and understanding among young people by challenging them to design a t-shirt (or Unitee Shirt!) on the theme of unity.

It’s open to 14-18 year olds and closes on Friday 18 June 2021.

Students that take part will be in with a chance of winning prizes for themselves and their school.


Students need a teacher’s code, from their teacher, in order to take part, so should tell their teacher about the project and ask them to register.


Register to gain access to everything you need to brief your students on the competition, including classroom resources and a unique teacher’s code that your students will require in order to upload their designs.

Registering will also give you access to a portal where you’ll need to review and approve the unitees designs submitted by your students.

Find out more on the Unitees website.

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