
University of Liverpool research ethics committees require voluntary sector lay members

University of Liverpool research ethics committees are responsible for approving university-led research studies that are deemed to be higher risk. The university is seeking members of the voluntary sector able to offer their perspectives to these committees.

Recently, a number of higher risk studies considered by the committees have been seeking to recruit participants from charities and from vulnerable groups. As a result, the university has identified a need to bring on board some experienced committee lay members, able to provide insight into the voluntary/community sector world.

The role of these lay members is essentially to bring balance to discussions about research projects and to offer a different perspective in terms of how the study might be perceived by participants or the public. The input of lay members is incredibly valuable and valued by the university.

Find out more about research and ethics committees and the role of a lay member on the University of Liverpool website.

Those interested in becoming a lay member are invited to send a expression of interest by 21 May 2021.

Informal enquiries about the role should be directed to Matthew Billington, senior research ethics and integrity officer at mjbill2@liverpool.ac.uk.

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