
Vauxhall Community Law and Information Centre launches bereavement support service

Vauxhall Community Law and Information Centre is proud to launch the Tommy Monoghan Bereavement Support Service, which was created in memory of the centre’s late board member and longest standing local community supporter.

The support service aims to help those who have suffered a bereavement and need advice in regards to their benefits, debt and funeral payments. Vauxhall Law Centre is able to help families and individuals with assessing any benefit entitlements or any debt issues arising from a bereavement. The service can also help to establish whether there could be any charitable support or grants applicable to them, as well as providing general advice and guidance.

Alongside this service, Vauxhall Community Law and Information Centre has produced a comprehensive information pack, which will be continuously updated with the latest advice.

The information pack covers:

  • What to do in the event of a death
  • Funerals
  • Administration
  • Money and finances
  • Bereavement advice
  • Legal support

You can find  the information pack on the Vauxhall Community Law and Information Centre website.

If you need practical support following the loss of a loved one, or have questions with regard to the information in the pack, contact Vauxhall Community Law and Information Centre on 0151 482 2540 or advice@vauxhalllawcentre.org.uk.

Due to COVID-19 and the latest government guidance, all services are currently being delivered via telephone and email. If your call is not answered first time round, please leave a message with your name and number. Somebody will get back to you as soon as possible.

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