Posts available: 1.
Contract: The post is initially for 12 months, additional future funding is being sought.
Term: Full Time.
Salary: LA Payscale 5/6 £24,496- £31,364 +5% Pension Contribution.
Hours per week: 35 hours.
Reporting to: Senior Solicitor.
Location: Vauxhall, Liverpool.
Employer Bio
The Vauxhall Community Law and Information Centre has been providing free independent, expert legal advice in the community since 1973. They provide access to justice to their community on a range of social welfare issues, they offer welfare benefit, debt and housing advice as well as a bereavement advice service.
They are based locally in Vauxhall, Liverpool and provide advice across the Liverpool City Region. They are a small community-based law centre.
Job Summary
They are seeking an experienced volunteer coordinator to recruit, manage and maintain relationships with a wide range of volunteers at Vauxhall Law Centre. As part of your role, you will also be supporting their triage work by taking enquiries from new clients and following the law centre’s internal, and external referral and signposting procedures.
You will work as part of a team to develop volunteer roles, training and opportunities to assist with the organisation’s development and ongoing work. You will manage volunteers in existing and new projects undertaken by Vauxhall Law Centre. This role is office based and will work closely alongside their office manager and development team.
To learn more and to apply, please click here.
Deadline: 23 April 2024.
Contact Details: 0151 360 7777 /
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