
Voluntary Sector Outreach Support Services Vacancy: Project Manager

Salary: £33k pro rata
Hours: 25 hours per week
Contract: 2-year fixed-term

Voluntary Sector Outreach Support Services (VOSS) is a collaborative project of five North Liverpool charities providing co-ordinated delivery of detached, group work and 1:1 for young people in five wards. Funded by Reaching Communities Lottery for 3 years, the project has recently moved into its second year. In year one, joint working was developed, new systems to track the impact, and new approaches piloted. VOSS members want to build on the experience of year one by raising the project profile, increasing the influence of young people to shape the service and consolidating good practice – all in addition to the day-to-day delivery.

The VOSS Project Manager will keep the project on track and ensure that wider aims are achieved. You can evidence what has been done and the impact it has had, and work to address the succession of VOSS, once the Lottery funding comes to an end.

You have good organisational and planning skills and can network and build relationships, both within the VOSS group and with key stakeholders. You can be trusted to run the project transparently and have the skills and experience to co-ordinate, monitor and evaluate the project. Ultimately, you can facilitate the development of good practice in youth work and a better understanding of its value.

The successful applicant will be employed by Positive Futures North Liverpool as the lead organisation and accountable body for the funding but accountable to all the financial partners as follows:

  • Positive Futures North Liverpool
  • Liverpool Lighthouse
  • Breckfield & North Everton Neighbourhood Council
  • Sports Alive
  • Walton Youth Project

For an application pack, email sue@positivefutures.org.uk.

Deadline: Friday 27 April 2018, 12noon

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