
Working Together for Liverpool for Good: New Partnership for LCVS

LCVS is delighted to announce a new partnership with Be At One Cocktail Bar. Over the next twelve months the national cocktail bar chain, which has 31 bars across the country including on Seel Street in Liverpool, will be supporting LCVS’ work in finding long-term solutions to address the huge need, poverty and inequality that exists within many of Liverpool’s communities.

As well as raising money for LCVS through their Liverpool bar, one of Be At One’s co-founders, Steve Locke, will be offering guidance and advice to local young people on entrepreneurship and working within the hospitality sector as part of LCVS First Day programme. Launched at the International Festival for Business 2016, First Day helps breakdown barriers between young people and business.

Steve said of choosing to support LCVS: “We started Be At One from scratch with a car loan and credit card loans but at least we all had the advantages of good educations and stable family backgrounds. I know there are people who have the same skills as me but haven’t had the same opportunity and we want to help people build their confidence. LCVS has this approach and it ticked the boxes for us. We want to work with an organisation that’s about helping people find their way.”

Be At One’s fundraising for LCVS will kick off in July with the launch of a bartender challenge at the Seel Street bar.

If you know of a business who would be interested in working with LCVS, get in touch at info@lcvs.org.uk.

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