
Youth Employment Infrastructure Survey

The Youth Futures Foundation has contracted RAND Europe, a not-for-profit research institute, to conduct a study looking at the role of infrastructure organisations in the youth employment sector in England. The aim of the study is to better understand the role of infrastructure organisations in this area and the impact they have on improving the employment chances for young people.

As part of the study, they are conducting a survey that aims to find out more about how the organisations that currently support youth employment operate and what they aim to achieve.

The deadline to take part has now been extended and the survey will remain open until Friday 24 September 2021.

To complete the survey, please click here.

The survey should take no more than 15 minutes to complete.

If you have any questions, please contact the programme evaluation team at YEI_study@randeurope.org.

To find out more about the Youth Futures Foundation, please visit their website.

To find out more about RAND Europe, please visit their website.

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