
Crisis is recruiting for their Experts by Experience Panel

Crisis is the national charity for homeless people operating in 12 locations in England, Scotland and Wales. They offer a wide range of services to support people out of homelessness for good. They are currently recruiting for their Experts by Experience panel. The Experts by Experience Panel is a two-year project with a group of people with lived experience of homelessness (both those who have used Crisis services and those who have not) who inform the work of Crisis and participate in their continued development to make sure they are providing the services that people want and need from them.

Experts by Experience have the opportunity to contribute to a wide range of projects across the organisation depending on their areas of interest. It’s their job to fully support people to get involved and they will provide training and ongoing support for people to have a meaningful experience as part of the panel.

They are also pleased to be able to offer remuneration for this opportunity at a rate of £15.00 per hour for people’s involvement.

For more information about the role, please click here.

Please contact anna.jones@crisis.org.uk or carey.hill@crisis.org.uk if you need any further information or would like to ask any questions.

If you are interested in becoming part of the Experts by Experience Panel please answer the following questions, on no more than 1 A4 page:

  1. Why do you want to take part?
  2. What skills and experience will you bring to the Experts by Experience panel?
  3. What do you want to gain from your participation?

You can email your responses directly to either anna.jones@crisis.org.uk or carey.hill@crisis.org.uk by 29 March 2022.

Informal interviews will be held on 11 and 12 April 2022.

Please include your name, contact details and whether you are available on the above dates.

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