
Micro Commissioning Opportunities in Liverpool


The Life Rooms Social Model of Health is delivered in Liverpool through a 3-pillar offer around learning, social prescribing, and community.

The Life Rooms has identified funding that it would like to use to commission VCSE activity to help address areas of need that it has identified through its core work in Liverpool.

Areas of identified need

It has been agreed that the £400k funding will be used to target the cost-of-living crisis with particular emphasis around helping to support:

  1. Those who are unemployed or employed on precarious short-term contracts
  2. Families (including working families)
  3. Single parents or carers (this could include grandparents caring for vulnerable children, and those caring for relatives)
  4. Elderly, isolated people.

The VCSE organisations applying for the funding should be able to demonstrate that they are able to support one of the above categories (1-4) in terms of:

  • Food poverty
  • Fuel poverty
  • Accommodation (to include the support of those who are or about to become homeless)
  • Employment.

The Life Rooms will be looking to commission 10 VCSE organisations through this process; this would equate to approximately £40,000 per submission. The funding would be for a 12-month fixed term period from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024.

They welcome interest from organisations who can mobilise immediately and have the appropriate governance and safety in place for anyone engaging in activities.

Qualifying criteria

Organisations who are interested in applying and have the appropriate governance and assurance policies in place should email an expression of interest using the attached proforma to LiferoomsCommission@merseycare.nhs.uk.

To download the proforma, please click here.

The closing date for receiving expressions of interest is 5 pm on 20 February 2023.

Contracts will be awarded in early March, and finance will be allocated by 31 March 2023 with an expectation of an April 2023 mobilisation.

You will be expected to provide the following documentation at the contracting stage should your application be successful.

  • Evidence of appropriate Indemnity Arrangements
  • Safeguarding Policy
  • Incidents Requiring Reporting Procedure
  • DBS.

For further information, please contact jane.holland@merseycare.nhs.uk.

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