Currently closed.
The Judges will be meeting in January 2025 to decide the outcome of applications already in and depending on success of current applications and allocation the window for new applications may open again in summer.
The Judges at Liverpool Crown Court have a scheme whereby cash seized from street dealers of drugs can be ordered to be forfeited and allocated to small registered charities local to Merseyside and who operate for the benefit of the people of Merseyside.
They are keen to promote work that loosely ties in with the work of the court, and so have supported a number of projects that support young people, often with a view to steering them clear of crime / anti-social behaviour.
The judges choose a different charity each month to support and the selection is done by a panel of 3 judges meeting 2 or 3 times a year. The fund is not available to any charity if a judge or close family member (spouse, parent, child) has a close connection to it, for example as a trustee.
They cannot guarantee any particular sum of money as this depends on the cases passing through the crown court that month. That said amounts have varied between around £3 500 to around £18 500, averaging around £7000 to £8000.
If you have a project that meets this criteria and are looking for part funding to develop / continue this work please complete the application form and send to Yvonne Maddocks at, outlining what your project is, what the funding will achieve, and confirm your charitable status and registered charity number. Yvonne will forward all applications to them.
Please note, you must be a small local registered charity to apply.