Cost of Living Crisis Help Page Submission Guidelines

The LCVS Cost of Living Crisis Help page aims to showcase useful Liverpool-based services and resources.

If you would like us to add a useful service/resource, please check our submission guidelines below before emailing us.


Your submission could be:

  • A Warm Hub (e.g. regular gatherings to combat loneliness)
  • Cost of Living Crisis Help (general information, events, useful links, resources & services etc.)
  • Food-related Resources or Services (incl. lunch clubs)
  • Finance-related Resources or Services
  • Housing-related Resources or Services
    • Help for homeless people (homeless shelters, support services etc.)
  • General Information Hubs (online pages).

We are not accepting:

  • Something that has already been featured by LCVS
  • Individual HAF (Holiday Activities and Food) activities, this can be accessed on the MPAC website
  • Food Banks & Pantries (The Live Well Directory & Feeding Liverpool already have lots of information regarding this, also this is already linked on our page)
  • A service or resource that is not relevant to the Cost of Living Crisis
  • A service or resource that is not based in or useful for those in the Liverpool area.


What to send us:

  • A Liverpool-based service or resource that is relevant to the Cost of Living Crisis

Please include in your email:

  • A few sentences about what the service is and who it is aimed at
  • Service duration/opening times/location
  • Instagram/Facebook/LinkedIn/X or any other social links
  • Contact information and a link for more information about the service.


Please send your email to



  • Sending in all the information correctly (as stated in the “What to send us” section will greatly improve your chances of the resource being featured
  • Emailing your item to us does not guarantee that it will be published
  • We are not able to publish everything due to the sheer volume of information that is sent to us
  • LCVS will always edit everything before it is published
  • Copying and pasting large amounts of information and sending us items in an inaccessible format (text in all-caps) will mean your item may not be considered or published.
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