Submit an Event

To give yourself the best chance of having your Event featured on the LCVS website, Twitter and Newsletter, please follow the guidelines below:

  • If the event falls outside the geographical area of Liverpool or is not voluntary sector related, it will not be published unless it is of a regional interest
  • If the wording of the event is not accessible, it will not be published.

What information to include in your email

  • Event name
  • Hosted by which organisation(s)
  • Event start and end date plus duration
  • Organisation Twitter Username
  • Location
  • Event Description
  • Contact details or link for further information
  • Do you need to book a place/is it free/paid
  • Public Contact Details
  • Promotional material such as a poster

Where to send your Event

  • Please email your Event to
  • On the Email Subject Line, please put ‘EVENT FOR PROMOTION:’ before anything else.
  • You can attach an image (png/jpeg) to go out with the event.

Please note: LCVS will always edit everything before publishing

We are not able to publish every event due to the sheer volume of information that is sent to us. However, sending your event well in advance and in the ideal format will greatly improve your chances of it being featured.

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