To give yourself the best chance of having your Vacancy featured on the LCVS website and newsletter, please follow the guidelines below:
- If the vacancy falls outside the geographical area of Liverpool or is not VCFSE sector related, it will not be published
- If the vacancy is not a paid (or trustee) VCFSE sector role it will not be published
- If the vacancy is not in an accessible format, it will not be published.
If you are hoping to submit a Volunteer Role, please click here.
Where to send your Vacancy
Please adapt your vacancies into the document below. Please follow the format provided or it will not be published.
Click here to download the document.
Please remember that it is one job role per document, if you want to send us vacancies for other roles, please send them separately.
Please include a high-quality logo of your organisation when you email us. This must be a separate file to the document below. This may be used in promotional material.
Please send your vacancy to
On the Email Subject Line, please put ‘VACANCY FOR PROMOTION:’ before anything else.
Please note: LCVS will always edit everything before publishing
We are not able to publish every vacancy due to the sheer volume of information that is sent to us. However, sending your vacancy well in advance and in the ideal format will greatly improve your chances of it being featured.