
Bonfire Period Diversionary Activity Funding

As is the same every year, funding is available for community groups to provide diversionary activities during the Bonfire period.

Please see forms below to be completed and returned to andrew.lloyd1@merseyside.police.uk by Friday 15 September 2023, with “Op Banger Diversionary Application” as the subject.

BPDAF Grant Claim Form used to actually apply for the grant. Ensure sufficient detail as to what you intend to do with the money and how it will reduce ASB during the Bonfire period.

BPDAF – Funding Due Dilligence Form must be completed for purposes of vetting and review of applicants.

BPDAF – NEW SUPPLIER FORM 01-04-2023 must be completed if you have never received funding from Merseyside Police. (If you have received funding in the past this form is NOT required).

Without all of the above required forms, your application will not progress. There will be no chasing for forms.

Also see BPDAF – Banger Application Instructions and an BPDAF – Example of Grant Claim Form.

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