
Local Solutions Vacancy: Fundraising and Communications Officer

Salary: £21,000
Hous: Full time

This is an exciting opportunity to join and play a key role at a dynamic charity in Liverpool. Local Solutions is looking for a creative and self-motivated individual, with experience in marketing, to join the Fundraising and Communications Team.

This is a role at the heart of the charity, supporting the diverse range of services and projects that Local Solutions delivers, through marketing and promoting the impact of our work and through fundraising. You will have excellent written and verbal communications skills with experience of marketing, design and digital marketing.

Post is subject to an Enhanced Disclosure. CVs are not accepted.

Closing date: Friday 20 October 2017, 12 noon

Interviews: Thursday 26 October 2017

Application pack is available from Recruitment Hotline on 0151 705 2326 or download from the website.

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