As part of our work with the Waves of Hope programme ( we have developed a programme of front line worker events and a Community of Practice, which includes people with lived experience.
LCVS acts as a critical friend bringing together local groups to share good practice, and build a collective voice to challenge decisions and effect change, and ensure that the sector is a key part of delivering services locally. The Sector, local partners and wider groups play a key role in providing Multiple & Complex Needs (MCN) services in Liverpool and are committed to responding to the changing needs of the community in a positive way.
In response to changes and issues raised locally regarding the LWoH programme and within wider service provision in this area, LCVS is facilitating the MCN Community of Practice group and discussion sessions to gather information from front line workers and people with lived experience. All the sessions provide a safe place for information to be exchanged, relationships built, issues raised and collective solutions sought. This is the second series of events LCVS has facilitated.
These sessions have developed into a well received, safe forum for local stakeholders, enabling them to come together to exchange views, help identify positive approaches and partnership working which can support local systemic change. The idea is that that working this way will lead to better pathways and outcomes for people requiring services and more meaningful involvement with service users, as well as strengthening strategic leadership, and creating more effective joined up, multi-agency services across the city.