What is a People Panel?
The People Panel includes non-cancer experience members of the public who volunteer their time to read draft patient information, answer surveys and review documentation produced by the Cheshire and Merseyside Cancer Alliance and the wider system.
As a member of the Cheshire and Merseyside Cancer Alliance (CMCA) People Panel you would be sent copies of patient information, such as leaflets and letters, to help us ensure that they are clear and easy to understand before they are published.
You may also be asked to take part in workshops or be involved in projects to provide a non-cancer patient voice.
Why does the Cheshire and Merseyside Cancer Alliance need a People Panel?
There are members of the public who attend screening appointments and/or are referred on an urgent basis, however, they do not receive a cancer diagnosis. Therefore, we need to consult non-cancer experience people as this will help to ensure that written information is as accessible as possible to the diverse population served within the local community.
Reviewing patient facing information
How will the information be sent to me?
To protect the environment members are encouraged to receive information by email. Information can be posted to individual members who do not have email access.
If you receive the information electronically then you can return your comments by email, if you choose to receive the information by post then you will be provided with an envelope for you to return your comments.
What will happen?
People Panel members will be asked for their comments on draft patient information.
Members are asked to consider:
- Does the information make sense?
- Is it clear what the information is about?
- Is the information presented clearly?
- Is the information easy to understand?
- Are unusual words or abbreviations explained?
- Are the risks and benefits identified where appropriate?
- Is it helpful?
- Does the information leave you with further questions?
- Are other sources of information identified, for example support groups and websites?
- Is any information missing?
Any aspect of the leaflet can be commented upon if you feel it needs either improvement or praise.
What happens once I have returned my comments?
Once you have received the information, you will be given around 14 days to return any comments.
These comments are then shared with the author and taken into account when the final leaflets are produced.
Attending focus groups/workshops
You may be asked if you would like to attend a workshop or focus group to provide feedback on certain topics relating to screening/primary care for example. These will either be in person or on teams.
Project Involvement
Project managers may require people panel members to join project teams to provide perspective on certain areas of work or be involved in materials to promote cancer screening for example. A member of the patient engagement team will support you whilst involved in projects.
How can I become part of the People Panel?
If you are interested in becoming a part of the People Panel:
- Email ccf-tr.hipe@nhs.net
- Or visit their Get Involved page and complete the Expression of Interest form.