This Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) forms the basis of a shared understanding and relationship between the Voluntary, Community and Faith Sector in Liverpool and NHS Liverpool Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG).
The MoU is intended to demonstrate the parties’ commitment to collaboration in the design of health and care services and, where services are provided by VCFS partners, to ensure effective partnerships for delivery.
Main Aims:
The overarching objective of the MoU is to work effectively together to improve services and health outcomes for the people of Liverpool. We will achieve this shared objective by:
- Developing a shared understanding of the ways in which the VCFS can contribute to improvements and the sustainability of health, care and wellbeing services;
- Promoting and using the talent, reach and social value of VCFS organisations to support improvement;
- Sharing best practice models between the VCFS and the CCG;
- Enabling members of the VCFS working together to contribute to the development of new models of care, as appropriate;
- Through VCFS networks, involving patients, service users and communities in the design of health, care and wellbeing services;
- Supporting existing and developing networks and communities of practice across the VCFS healthcare and wellbeing sectors;
- Engaging VCFS providers in processes to determine health priorities and associated investment and disinvestment decisions that the CCG may make, including working together to ensure Equality Impact Assessments are carried out that involve all parties.
The MOU was signed off by all parties on 22 February 2018.
To ensure that the MoU is more than just a ‘tick-box’ exercise, we need as many VCFS organisations as possible to read it, and to sign up to the commitment it represents. LCVS has led on its development , but it is your document , and its success as a driver of positive change depends on your active involvement to ensure the stated aims are achieved.
VCFS/CCG Memorandum of Understanding