This page contains information relating to the Well Placed Group, formerly known as the Voluntary Community Faith and Social enterprise (VCFSE) sector Health and Wellbeing Strategy Leads Forum.
What is it?
This forum is composed of representatives from 22 VCFSE organisations working to improve the health of local people, who are members of the LCVS Health and Wellbeing Network.
Established in 2023, the forum is composed of senior staff from organisations that attend the Health and Wellbeing Organisations Network and who volunteer their time and expertise to discuss strategic issues impacting on the VCFSE sector and local people’s health.
This area of the website exists to share relevant information about the forum, including:
- Background regarding the forum, including its terms of reference
- Information about the members
- Information about how the forum engages with the wider VCFSE Health Network Structure for Liverpool Place.
- Contact details for the VCFSE representatives on the 5 Integrated care Board Delivery Groups
- Information about how to raise a subject for discussion with the Leadership Group.
What is the purpose of the Liverpool Health and Wellbeing Strategy Leads Forum/Well Placed Group?
To improve the involvement of the voluntary and community sector (VCFSE) in the planning, development and delivery of service provision through effective partnership working. The forum aims to bring together VCFSE organisations to facilitate engagement with the new Liverpool Place Integrated Care Partnership, to:
- Understand and influence policy issues in relation to health, care, wellbeing and welfare at local and national level.
- Improve communication and information channels between the voluntary and community sector and appropriate statutory bodies especially the ICP.
- Provide opportunities and support for voluntary sector representatives.
- Develop an inclusive mechanism for consultation with the VCFSE sector.
The forum is a recent development and is constantly evolving, as will the content of this area of the website.
How does it relate to wider local health structures?
The leadership forum is part of a wider health structure for Liverpool Place.
VCFSE Sector Engagement – Liverpool Place
Representatives from the leadership forum attend delivery groups and report back to the Liverpool Health and Wellbeing Strategy Leads Forum/Well Placed Group.
NOTE/UPDATE – June 2024:
Due to the ongoing focus of work on financial recovery, The Integrated Care Board at Liverpool Place have had to stand down Delivery Group segment meetings for the next 6 months.
An full statement from Ellie McNeil (Chair) on the One Liverpool Delivery Programme can be found on this page.
How does the Liverpool Health and Wellbeing Strategy Leads Forum/Well Placed Group provide updates?
The Liverpool Health and Wellbeing Strategy Leads Forum/Well Placed Group meets regularly to discuss matters of strategic importance to the VCFSE sector. A timetable for meetings can be found on this page.
Meeting agendas and minutes from its meetings will be posted on this page.
Feedback from each Liverpool Health and Wellbeing Strategy Leads Forum/Well Placed Group meeting is shared at Health and Wellbeing Network meetings. For more information about joining the Health and Wellbeing Network meetings or attending its meetings, please contact or
To promote improved information sharing, written reports from representatives at each delivery group meeting and minutes from the Liverpool Health and Wellbeing Strategy Leads Forum/Well Placed Group meetings will also be posted on this page. Please check back to this page for updates.
Who is involved?
Currently, the leadership group is composed of senior staff from a range of VCFSE organisations who offered their time.
The current Chair of the group is Ellie McNeil, Chief Executive of YMCA Together.
A list of those organisations that are members of the group can be found on this page.
Representatives from the leadership group subsequently attend Population Health Segment Delivery Groups, including frailty and dementia, healthy children and families, disability delivery, complex lives and long term conditions, ICT meeting, the One Liverpool Delivery Group and One Liverpool Partnership Board.
LCVS supports to delivery of the Liverpool Health and Wellbeing Strategy Leads Forum/Well Placed Group.
A list of members and how to contact them can be found on this page.
Raising a subject for discussion
If you want an issue raising at a Delivery Group meeting, you should contact the relevant representative for that Delivery Group.
If you would like to raise a subject for discussion at the Liverpool Health and Wellbeing Strategy Leads Forum/Well Placed Group, please contact the Chair Please note the timetable for upcoming meetings on this page when doing so.
You can also raise it at the Health and Wellbeing Network meeting prior to the Liverpool Health and Wellbeing Strategy Leads Forum/Well Placed Group meeting. To attend the next Health & Wellbeing Organisations Network (H&WON) Meeting, contact or
How do I join the Leads Forum/Well Placed Group?
Membership of the Forum/Well Placed Group is currently open to additional members. Expressions of interest should be submitted by 5 PM on 1 November 2024.
How can I find out more?
To find out more about the group, please contact
Relevant Links
Please click on each of the files below to access/download them.
- Group Representatives List
- Well Placed Leads Membership
- Health and Wellbeing Strategy Leads and the Wider Partnership Structure
- Health and Wellbeing Strategy Leads Forum 2024 dates
- Health and Wellbeing Strategy Leads Forum Minutes 2024-05-28
- HWB Strategy Leads Forum ToR FINAL
- Letter sent to Matt Ashton 14 June 2024
- Liverpool Strategic Health and Wellbeing Forum Form
- Update on the One Liverpool Delivery Programme
- Health and Wellbeing Strategy Leads Forum Minutes 2024-07-24
- Liverpool Complex Lives – July 24
- Health and Wellbeing Strategy Leads Forum Minutes 2024-09-18
- Health and Wellbeing Strategy Leads Forum Minutes 2024-11-28
- Health and Wellbeing Strategy Leads Forum Minutes 2025-01-10
- Adult Social Care Prevention Strategy intentions v10