LCVS doesn’t deliver front line service – our role is to support and develop the voluntary sector and to ensure that individuals and organisations within it can play a role in influencing policy makers and help tackle some of the deep rooted issues that the city faces. Mobilising and unlocking the potential that exists within the sector can make a massive difference to the lives of people in all parts of the city and one of the ways in which we do this is by taking part in a wide range of strategic bodies across the City. We do this not as the ‘voice’ of the voluntary sector but as a champion for the work that the sector does, day in and day out. We believe that by building stronger links between staff from the different sectors we can encourage more effective collaborations and help make sure that people are getting the best possible service when and where they need it most.
Over the last 18 months we have been developing our relationships across the various strategic partnerships and while we have been able to feed this back in various formats we want to make sure that the sector is up to speed with the discussions that are taking place. To do this we will be putting updates here on our ‘headlines’ from some of these meetings and links to online minutes etc (e.g. Health and Well Being Board – The January minutes, which contain an update on VCF engagement, can be found here) . Hopefully this will help get some conversations flowing and give colleagues in the sector a chance to feedback to us any comments or questions that we can take into these meetings. For now we thought it would be useful to post a list of some those groups where we have a presence – and we are happy to talk to you if you have any thoughts, comments or queries.
Health and Well Being Board (HWBB)
Families Strategic Group
Children’s and Families Transformation Programme Board
Citysafe Board
Cheshire & Merseyside Health and Care Partnership
Crisis Care Concordat
Poverty Task Group
Citywide Operational group
LCR Protecting Vulnerable People Strategic Forum
Inclusive Cities Task Force
Strategic Workforce Partnership Group
Sports Alliance
Merseyside Charitable Trusts Group
LCR Protecting Vulnerable People Forum
Liverpool Integrated Care Partnership Provider Alliance Group
Community Asset Based Approach Strategic Partnership
LCR Cultural & Creativity – International Strategy Working Group
Reducing Offending System Change Group